Make Your Website ADA Compliant Today

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WCAG 2.1, ADA, Section 508 and EN 301549 100% Compliance

Full compliance guaranteed ADA certificate & year round protection

Compliance without the need for redesign 2.1, ADA, Section 508 and EN 301549 100% Compliance

Become Disability friendly – open your website for everyone

Accessibility Compliance is a world leading solution for digital accessibility

Accessibility compliance is a key feature of any website to make it easier for people with disabilities to view internet based content, yet many sites do not meet this requirement.
Accessibility Compliance offers a cost effective and reliable solution by offering a tool package that improves website content accessibility.
Using our cutting edge technology based on unique AI algorithms we can help you make your website and all your digital content accessible without the need for a complete redesign.

Compliance without the need for redesign using the latest Artificial Intelligence

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